20 April 2007

Social Bookmarking Sites For Traffic

I am not yet a big fan of these social bookmarks sites (digg, delicio.us, stumbleupon etc) yet but it seems they can bring you a lot of traffic! I have been trying stumble upon, asking friends and others who offer free stumbles to stumble this blog and saw an increase in the traffic. Well I have probably got only 5-10 thumbs up, that's not enough but it works, that's what matters.

I'll put up a list of these social bookmark sites when I'll have some time :-)
So, now you know where to go when you need fast traffic.


Unknown said...

It really does work stumbleupon is great.

Jennifer Maxwell said...

Interesting experiences with Digg tyoe sites.. I haven't tried them myself, but a friend of mine said they hardly saw any increase in traffic when they tried it out..

Check out my new site, Simple Link Directory, I made it my self.


Anonymous said...

I've never tried any of them, will take a look at stumbleupon.

Anonymous said...

If you have more information later on about stumble,please make a post about it.We are very glad to here.

Unknown said...

I ma starting an article series about stumbleupon. I hope to uncover the confusion that comes with Stumbling. I also have a list of over 120 Social sites with pages rank at my site over at Arsenal Marketing.

steven wilson said...

You are right social bookmarking sites will bring one traffic to their blog.Try mybloglog.com for some great exposure to your blog.It is free,and works great.

Take care


myTypes said...

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