13 April 2006

How to get listed in DMOZ?

This is a question I've heard more than a thousand times, in all webmaster forums there should be a question about this. We all know that it's not very easy to get listed there, it all depends on the editors. Some do their job faster than the others. So, to get listed in DMOZ can take you from 4-5 minutes to 4-5 years! I know this sounds incredible but I've got proof recently on Digitalpoint forum, this thread "How to get submitted" will answer your question.

We all give much importance to DMOZ as it's one of the main directories on the internet, but editors must improve else in some years webmasters will not give much importance to that directory.

I've also seen that DMOZ listing increases a domain value, not quite sure why... is it because DMOZ has PR10? Does that boost your PR in any way? Well I don't think so, at the last PR update many websites have got high PR even with no backlinks!


Anonymous said...

I thought there would be some tips to get listed in DMOZ :(
:p Just Kiddin ;)

Rubeina Sheik Hossen said...

Haha! sorry about that :D
Well you need to submit to DMOZ just like to other directories and wait :p

Anonymous said...

'Well you need to submit to DMOZ just like to other directories and wait :p'
And wait and wait and wait and wait and ...... nah, its not worthy :D

Anonymous said...

You will always get high PR if you are listed to Dmoz. Not because dmoz is a PR10 itself, but because theyre database it's public and a lot of webmasters are downloading it for theyre own web directories / listings. for each category, you will get an average of 700 more backlinks!!!! This is the secret! not dmoz, but those 700 webmasters who will post your website url on theyre websites.

Anonymous said...

The reason that DMOZ is given so much importance is because of the fact that many other directories are powered by DMOZ say for eg Google Directory. So when you are in DMOZ might not help you that much but the directories that are powered by DMOZ do the real help.

Being in DMOZ also help in pr boost as you get lot's of PR's from other directories also. Hope this comment was for some help. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for this, going to submit to dmoz again now after reading the thread :)